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분류 전체보기에 해당되는 글 11건
- 2018.03.11 Will Xi Jinping continue Deng Xiaoping's journey to becoming a Great China, and succeed?
- 2018.02.10 New Begin, New Start, and New Possibility
- 2017.12.02 The Strong Leadership to Broaden Support for Digital transformation
- 2017.11.13 The leadership of The U.S. and Climate Change.
- 2017.09.13 New start for shaping our future.
- 2009.02.14 When We Meet in the Web: Web 2.0 and Community 2
- 2008.12.18 Crisis,That strategic Chance- IT Global Collaboration 3
- 2008.10.18 U.S Economy, find out a good Exit?- Global Ecosystem Risk 3
- 2008.10.18 Where is Mobile Handset Market going?-Beyond spinning off Motorola's handset busine 1
- 2008.10.14 Will Motorola recover international competitive power?
Will Xi Jinping continue Deng Xiaoping's journey to becoming a Great China, and succeed?
Dear Valued Customers, Partners and Friends,
Nearly 20 years has passed since Deng Xiaoping(Chairman of the Central Advisory Commission of the Communist Party of China) dead.In the 18 years since he became China's undisputed leader, Mr. Deng nourished an economic boom that radically improved the lives of China's 1.5 billion citizens.
The reforms Mr. Deng ignited well propeled China's economy to the position of second largest, after the United States.
Deng Xiaoping's journey to becoming the Great China
The goals of Deng's reforms were summed up by the Four Modernizations, those of agriculture, industry, science and technology, and the military.
Improving relations with the outside world was the second of two important philosophical shifts outlined in Deng's program of reform termed Gaige Kaifang (lit. Reforms and Openness). China's domestic social, political, and most notably, economic systems undergo significant changes during Deng's time.
But at the end of his life, Mr. Deng seems unable to chart a clear path to economic success, his economic reforms still faced daunting challenges.
China's rise as a great economic power was becoming a race against time as population growth and incomplete reform were adding to the siege of China's straining foundations.
Shortages of water and arable land mounted, and unchecked industrial pollution contributed to an overall degradation of the environmental landscape.
Will Xi Jinping continue Deng Xiaoping's journey to becoming the Great China, and succeed?
By now, I’m not sure Deng Xiaoping predicted his country's future situation, but, his economic reforms still faced daunting challenges.
Resilient And Sustainable Cities
We’re all familiar with the following statistics: according to the UN, by 2050 the world population is expected to rise to almost 10 billion people, with anywhere from 66 percent to 80 percent of those people clustering in urban areas.
In practice, however, most of these new urban dwellers will be accommodated through the expansion of existing cities, many of which are growing very rapidly. Indeed, by 2030, the world is projected to have 41 mega-cities with more than 10 million inhabitants.
Meanwhile, the vast majority of those cities were built around expectations, patterns of living and technologies that predate the social and environmental awareness of the 20th century, let alone the concerns and challenges particular to the 21st. Add to this mix the fact that so many of the world’s major cities are located along coastal waterways subject to the ravages of extreme weather and rising sea levels, and the situation facing contemporary urban planners can appear more dire now than at any point in our history.
Most rapidly growing cities in the developing world confront huge problems of poverty, malnutrition, and inadequate infrastructure. Even prosperous cities of the developed world face challenges of growing inequality, crime, traffic congestion and environmental pollution. However, there are also reasons for optimism; as Rees and Wackernagel (1996) have argued: “Cities as presently conceived are inherently unsustainable, yet cities are the key to sustainability.” Indeed, cities as diverse as Curitiba and Copenhagen have shown remarkable creativity in finding innovative solutions to these challenges of an urban lifestyle.
The diverse research reveals many other opportunities for new technologies, for example in reducing traffic congestion, diminishing the urban heat island effect, re-using waste materials, recycling nutrients in sewage and improving air quality. Perhaps the most important technologies are those that reduce dependence upon a very large infrastructure, and enable implementation in small towns and even in rural areas, like a China.
Xi Jinping have to move more quickly from now.
Xi Jinping was voted president with one opposing vote, just like Mao Zedong in 1949, and Li Keqiang became China’s new premier, with three opposing votes in MARCH 20, 2013.
But something was decidedly different this time. It was a combination of the smog-filled skies, the reports of thousands of dead pigs floating in Shanghai’s water source, and a growing public disenchantment with the Communist Party. Expectations for change were high, and tolerance for another orchestrated Communist gathering was low.
At the NPC, the leadership moved to address popular criticism. By dismantling two highly unpopular administrations — the Railways Ministry and the family planning commission — China’s new leaders made the first real attempt to streamline the bureaucracy since reformer Premier Zhu Rongji in 1998. They vowed to improve food safety and fight environmental degradation, two issues of great public concern. The government also pledged to reduce the state’s role in the economy and society.
Thus far, these moves amount to political symbolism rather than substantial change, but there is a lingering sense that this time is different. Since coming to power, Xi Jinping has consolidated his power base in the party and army more rapidly than his predecessor. He also has greater credibility and a more appealing public persona than his predecessors, in part thanks to the aggressive promotion of the anti-corruption and frugality campaigns.
But while Xi Jinping is better placed than his predecessors to take on that broad agenda, the high expectations that come with that recognition are not always helpful.
Xi Jinping spent the year setting priorities and consolidating internal support for them even as pent-up internal and popular pressure on the young administration continues to build. But Xi Jinping still have to move quickly.
Xi Jinping have to give substance to his reform agenda by the third plenum in the fall of 2018. The symbolism will not be lost on Chinese leaders, since it was Deng Xiaoping who also announced his transformative "reform and opening up" policy at the third plenum in 1978-symbolism.
Only then will it be clearer if this time it really is different — and if Xi Jinping’s the one to bring about lasting and substantive change for a party and a country that needs it.
If Xi Jinping do this successfully, and then Maybe Bo Xilai might see him by smiling.
It is high time to need a strong leadership more than ever.
Anyway, we never can tell what life is going to bring us, I only wish you the best of business!
출처: http://selnix.tistory.com/?page=2 [SELNIX]
출처: http://selnix.tistory.com/?page=2 [SELNIX]
출처: http://selnix.tistory.com/?page=2 [SELNIX]
- To be continued
With Compliments
Your True Friend SELNIX
Kim Kyeong-Hwan
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3.How two counties are building smarter cities (with platforms they already have)-https://na.smartcitiescouncil.com/article/how-two-counties-are-building-smarter-cities-platforms-they-already-have
4.Deng Xiaoping: A Political Wizard Who Put China on the Capitalist Road-https://archive.nytimes.com/www.nytimes.com/learning/general/onthisday/bday/0822.html
5.Deng Xiaoping-https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deng_Xiaoping
7.Mayor's Welcome to Smart Cities Week Silicon Valley-Lisa M. Gillmor Mayor City of Santa Clar
8.Is Xi the one?-http://foreignpolicy.com/2013/03/20/is-xi-the-one/
Dear Valued Customers, Partners and Friends,
Our company will overhaul its service by such means as offering more startup-friendly service to maxmize the effectiveness and maintain competitiveness.
Direction of service Program is following:
1. Strengthening market service for Start-up company -Introduction, launching, promotion service for startup product, by using forum, blog, newsletter.
2. Srengthening supplying of marketing materials for market targeting -providing more Webinar, whitepaper, ebook, report, and analysis about target market.
3.Characteristic-Srengthening a Service Accessibility
- To be continued
With Compliments
Your True Friend SELNIX
Kim Kyeong-Hwan
The Strong Leadership to Broaden Support for Digital transformation
Dear Valued Customers, Partners and Friend s,
Long time no see,
Through the years, we have witnessed an explosion of eoconomic reforms and technology innovations at all leves in response to the change global landscape as well as demand of the citizen.
출처: http://selnix.tistory.com/ [SELNIX]
Dear Valued Customers, Partners and Friend s,
Long time no see,
Through the years, we have witnessed an explosion of eoconomic reforms and technology innovations at all leves in response to the change global landscape as well as demand of the citizen.
출처: http://selnix.tistory.com/ [SELNIX]
Dear Valued Customers, Partners and Friend s,
Long time no see,
Through the years, we have witnessed an explosion of eoconomic reforms and technology innovations at all leves in response to the change global landscape as well as demand of the citizen.
출처: http://selnix.tistory.com/ [SELNIX]
Dear Valued Customers, Partners and Friend s,
Long time no see,
Through the years, we have witnessed an explosion of eoconomic reforms and technology innovations at all leves in response to the change global landscape as well as demand of the citizen.
출처: http://selnix.tistory.com/ [SELNIX]
Dear Valued Customers, Partners and Friend s,
Long time no see,
Through the years, we have witnessed an explosion of eoconomic reforms and technology innovations at all leves in response to the change global landscape as well as demand of the citizen.
출처: http://selnix.tistory.com/ [SELNIX]
Dear Valued Customers, Partners and Friends,
As competition has intensified recently, keeping the lead over the competition doesn’t mean having the best products, or lowest prices. Instead, successful companies are closely tied to an organization’s ability to recognize shifts in the market landscape and its capacity to respond by adapting quickly.
Historically, sustaining market leadership was based on having superior products, the low-est prices or the best people. However, this is no longer the case. Although these factors are still important, in the digital business era, keeping the lead over competition is more closely tied to anorganization’s ability to recognize shifts in the market landscape and its capacity to respond byadapting quickly.
In fact, this has always been true, but changes in market leadership used to take decades.
For example, in the 1970s and 1980s, Walmart completely transformed the retail vertical by rede-fining supply chain and inventory management, and it’s now one of the largest companies in the world.
However, today Amazon is disrupting Walmart by reinventing how customers purchase andreceive goods as well as the way retailers interact with buyers. As a response to Amazon, Walmart recently acquired Jet.com to better compete for online business, using Jet.com’s inherent digital methods to augment its own online shopping experience.
What make a chage like this?
Digital technologies are transforming industry
Digital transformation is the application of technology to build new business models or pro-cesses by leveraging the convergence of people, business and things. Digital advancements arecreating new product and service opportunities as well as transforming business operations, which enables companies to improve customer service, generate more revenue, lower costs and achieve higher levels of efficiency to gain an advantage over their competitors.
Digital Technologies for Digital Transformation, there are unlimited possibilities with billions of people conneced by mobile devices, with unprecediented processing power, sotrage capcity, and access to knowledge.
Emerging technology breakthoroughs in field such as aftificial intelligence, robotics, the internnet of Things, autonomous vehicles, 3D printing, nanotechnology, biotechnology, materials science, energy storage, and quantum computing transform industry.
In recent dada, there are 6.4billion data-communicating objects in the world today, by 2020, this number is forcast to explode to around 20billion. And thorough these technologies, the World Economic Forum identfied a $100 trillion opportunity for both industry and society.
Maybe, I think we meet a fundmental change in our world.
Paul Turner, BSI Global Certification Expert, said" We are in the 4th Industrial Revolution movement", and Murat, Sonmez, Member fo the World Economic Forum Managing Board and Head of the new center, said: " The Fourth Industrial Revolution is reshaping industries, challenging existing regulatory frameworks and redefining what it means to be a human", " We need to urgently develop policy norms and frameworks and apply these innovations to ensure their benefits affect us all".
Yes, these are not simple matter.
The Strong Leadership to Broaden Support for Digital transformation
In times like these where global trade recedes and growth slows, the world needs strong leadership to evade protectionist populism and carry through transformative reformation.
Strong leadership also means explaining how trade, investment and innovation have improved incomes and livelihoods , and created jobs rather than removed them, and must make the international system work better.
However, near-term Strong Leadership prospects are limited. Once the champion of a rule based system, the United States's trade policies are changing long-acceptd rules of international trade.
The world is more integrated than ever before and policy needs catch up. This calls for an integrated approach, nationally and internationally, to make the whole system more free, and open.
This is the reason why our world needs strong leadership, and -becase we are in the 4th industrial Revolution movement-neet to urgnetly develop policy norms.
The key hurdle to achiving these integrated approach is President Trump's trade policies and political thension Asia's large trading economies, notably Korea, China, Japan. Forging ahead with a chnage of these would enable our world to shape the future digital transformation.
Is this easy? Oh, nobody knows.
But what is clear is that every time we try it, we gets better.
And whether it's a success or failure isn't as important as understanding that over the years, we have been learning from failures — improving and, thereby, increasing Unprecedented innovation to all of us.
It is high time to need a strong leadership more than ever.
Anyway, we never can tell what life is going to bring us, I only wish you the best of business!
출처: http://selnix.tistory.com/?page=2 [SELNIX]
출처: http://selnix.tistory.com/?page=2 [SELNIX]
출처: http://selnix.tistory.com/?page=2 [SELNIX]
- To be continued
With Compliments
Your True Friend SELNIX
Kim Kyeong-Hwan
Related Articles:
*OECD Digital Economy Outlook 2017:http://www.oecd-ilibrary.org/science-and-technology/oecd-digital-economy-outlook-2017_9789264276284-en
*2017 Seoul International Conference on Trade and Inductry
-The future global trading architecture:Asian solution to rising protection, Peter A.PETER, Brandeis University
-The Global Trade Landscape and Prospects:Implications for Inclusive Growth, Robert B.Kooman, World Trade Organization
-The World Trade System Under Stress... and What the Big4 Traders Can Do About It, Jeffrey J. SCHOTT, Peterson Institute for International Economics
-Ways for International Cooperation to Spread the Spirit of Free Trade, Sangjin LEE,Deputy Minister for Trade Negotiations, Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy
-Making Trade Worksfor all, Mari KIVINIEMI, Deputy Secretary-General, Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development
-Ways for Countries to Collaborate to Broaden Support for Free, ames CHOI, Ambassador, Embassy of Australia in Korea
-Ways for Countries to Collaborate to Broaden Support for Free Trade, Michael REITERER, Ambassador, Delegation of the European Union to the Republic of Korea
*McMaster: Potential for War with NKorea 'Increasing Every Day':https://www.newsmax.com/newsfront/mcmaster-north-korea-war/2017/12/02/id/829485/
Dear Valued Customers, Partners and Friend s,
Long time no see,
Through the years, we have witnessed an explosion of eoconomic reforms and technology innovations at all leves in response to the change global landscape as well as demand of the citizen.
출처: http://selnix.tistory.com/ [SELNIX]
Dear Valued Customers, Partners and Friend s,
Long time no see,
Through the years, we have witnessed an explosion of eoconomic reforms and technology innovations at all leves in response to the change global landscape as well as demand of the citizen.
출처: http://selnix.tistory.com/ [SELNIX]
Dear Valued Customers, Partners and Friend s,
Long time no see,
Through the years, we have witnessed an explosion of eoconomic reforms and technology innovations at all leves in response to the change global landscape as well as demand of the citizen.
출처: http://selnix.tistory.com/ [SELNIX]
Dear Valued Customers, Partners and Friend s,
Long time no see,
Through the years, we have witnessed an explosion of eoconomic reforms and technology innovations at all leves in response to the change global landscape as well as demand of the citizen.
출처: http://selnix.tistory.com/ [SELNIX]
Dear Valued Customers, Partners and Friend s,
Long time no see,
Through the years, we have witnessed an explosion of eoconomic reforms and technology innovations at all leves in response to the change global landscape as well as demand of the citizen.
출처: http://selnix.tistory.com/ [SELNIX]
Dear Valued Customers, Partners and Friends,
Our world is clearly going through a period of major upheaval, and just because 'the U.S. and the other countries' are arguments in many matters.
In the Climate Change realm particularly, there is a wide range of issues facing politics and economics sides that could have significant consequences for industry players and the wider business market, furthermore our next generation.
The U.S. industry and government sector spent much of over the years pushing regulators and policymakers to make it easier for market players to roll out climatechange solutions, and it appeared to have scored a big win in U.S. and many countries lately.
However, Recent policy of Trump government about the climate change tries to discard this innovative achievement, and i think this is not productive at all.
Because a abandonment of outstanding policy and support cut for successful industry should tread carefully as they identify stones in the Golden mountain.
Also because our next generation of the future may face the crisis of climate change, and this climate change policy is a policy for our descendants who have to against the grave threat.
Climate change is the most dangerous long-term threat to our world’s prosperity.
Our future environment and economy will be one of the hardest and fastest hit by climate change if we do not act.
A recent level of investigation would seem to indicate the importance of climate change as an issue and would suggest urgent action would be undertaken.
The U.S. leadership was, is, will be a major focal point of our world, and climate change issue is one of the main issue which dominated those conversations about their leadership.
Therefore a crisis of our next generation is a crisis of the U.S. leadership, many countries(good or bad) believe in the U.S. leadership until now.
This year’s UN Climate Change Conference kicked off in Bonn Nov 6 with strong, unified calls to hold to the path of the Paris Climate Change Agreement.
The opening of the conference (COP23, 6- 17 November) takes place against this year’s background of destructive hurricanes, fires, floods, droughts, melting ice and impacts on agriculture which threaten food security.
The Paris agreement, struck in 2015 under former President Barack Obama, calls on nearly 200 countries to voluntarily curb greenhouse gas emissions.
At that time, only Nicaragua and Syria did not join, for very different reasons.
But Syria announced during United Nations climate talks on Tuesday that it would sign the Paris agreement on climate change. The move, which comes on the heels of Nicaragua signing the accord last month, will leave the United States as the only country that has rejected the global pact.
According to several people who were in a plenary session at the climate talks in Bonn, Germany, a Syrian delegate announced that the country was poised to send its ratification of the Paris agreement to the United Nations.
I do not just know if President Trump knows what this means or not, can understand the meaning by looking at the following NYT's article .
“This is the very last country that actually announced, so everyone has joined and the U.S. is now so isolated,” said Safa Al Jayoussi, executive director of IndyAct, an environmental organization based in Lebanon that works with Arab countries on climate change."
These might be small things, but it-the crisis of the U.S. leadership on climate change issue- could lead to the crisis of greater leadership.
This is because they are not Korea, Japan, China BUT The United State of America, and this situation will raises a great concern.
Many peoples blame to Trump government's radical policies about politics and economy.
And Anything radical has always led to hell on earth.
Many peoples are working to build many small changes, so think they can change our world , not a radical one.
President Trump visited South Korea, November 8, 2017.
Through this entire visit, it has been both our country's pleasure and our country's honor to create and celebrate a long friendship between the United States and the Republic of Korea.
Despite his relative favorable ASIA visit, Harvard professor Alexander McCoy wrote as 'Trump's this visiting is a Betrayal to friendship" at newspaper.
But I do not totally agree with him, because he is a still the president of the U.S. , have a enough power to change the world, and have a enough time to get well along with other allies, so we have to be waiting for a little of change his mind.
He must remember the allies like France, Canada, Australia, Denmark, Sweden,Nederland ,U.K. who fought together in Korea, WWⅡ, because he is a still President of The U.S. in our world .
Will he -a little- change his mind?
Anyway, No matter how hard i think, our world have a hard time leading normal lives, now. I wish he can change the world through working together.
I attach his speech in South Korea‘s National Assembly’- November 8, 2017
This alliance between our nations was forged in the crucible of war and strengthened by the trials of history. From the Inchon landings to Pork Chop Hill, American and South Korean soldiers have fought together, sacrificed together, and triumphed together.
Almost 67 years ago, in the spring of 1951, they recaptured what remained of this city, where we are gathered so proudly today. It was the second time in a year that our combined forces took on steep casualties to retake this capital from the Communists.
Over the next weeks and months, the men soldiered through steep mountains and bloody, bloody battles. Driven back at times, they willed their way north to form the line that today divides the oppressed and the free. And there, American and South Korean troops have remained together holding that line for nearly seven decades.
By the time the armistice was signed in 1953, more than 36,000 Americans had died in the Korean War, with more than 100,000 others very badly wounded. They are heroes, and we honor them.
We also honor and remember the terrible price the people of your country paid for their freedom. You lost hundreds of thousands of brave soldiers and countless innocent civilians in that gruesome war.
[Excerpted this paragraph from Donga Daily Newspaper]
- To be continued
With Compliments
Your True Friend SELNIX
Kim Kyeong-Hwan
Related Articles:
http://news.donga.com/3/all/20171109/87183667/1#csidxaaf1479105f710bb778da539caf7724 http://news.donga.com/3/all/20171109/87183667/1#csidxf9c141903ca9901ba04181cf7c36d2a
Emissions Mitigation Schemes in Australia—The Past,
Present and Future-http://file.scirp.org/pdf/LCE_2013060315053837.pdf
Dear Valued Customers, Partners and Friend s,
Long time no see,
Through the years, we have witnessed an explosion of eoconomic reforms and technology innovations at all leves in response to the change global landscape as well as demand of the citizen.
New forms of engagement, such as the use of social media and ICTs for development, e-government and e-governance, among others, entail opportunities and challenges for the public sector and goverance relam.
These include the design of IT frameworks, digitization of large amounts of data, citizen access, and content development.
So, i think we have to share my common idea, and i will write these message again.
Yes, I will start again..
- To be continued
With Compliments
Your True Friend SELNIX
Kim Kyeong-Hwan
출처: 2017 EROPA Thems A

Every morning, I takes a walk over twenty minute from my home to get to the office. When I move on the highway, not only me but all the other people are standing in almost the same place, almost at the same time. Sometimes when I meet friends, I say 'Hi!'. Not just for me, all the other people do this like me. Well, most of them are, I will be too for years.
This could say that we share the same activity (almost at the same place, at the same time) and we all share a common interest “to get there in the morning”. So in that sense we are a kind of social network, we just need the means to communicate with each other and organize our efforts to achieve a common goal. So, if there is a need, there is an opportunity.
Internet is free in mind and spirit, and aware we too may communicate, meet together in her with this idea. Internet make eaier & faster communication, sharing idea and feeling than before.
The nature of the internet is so global that peoples globally encounter via Social Media tools - like Twitter, Cyworld, Facebook, Skype- friends, colleagues, co-worker and feel friendship, a fellow feeling.
One of the great strengths of social networking is the idea that sharing feels good. Social Media encourages and supports people to help others. People that are not part of the formal organization will spend inordinate amounts of time to help others in real time.
Peoples are able to help Peoples, so that we can build our -small or Big-community wisely, share good feeling.
Web change business environment , too.
Compnies are closing the gap and reducing the supply chain thorough a Social Media tools . Companies are starting to take advantage of Twitter, Cyworld, Facebook, Skype in particular to provide a better customer experience.They, using them, are progressing a plan to place importance on raising its own brand image and stressing that it`s a valuable chance to close the gap on trying to create a 1:1 relationship.
This can be simple change for someone. But sometimes, simple things have made a huge difference for us. How would Web Business change in the near future, indeed? What, if there are any changes, happen in her?
Claudio said that "The business of combining old with new is complex, and requires out-of-the-box thinking" on their web site.
Yes, It is never easy to please both sides.
- To be continued
With Compliments
Your True Friend SELNIX
Kim Kyeong-Hwan
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Dear Valued Customers, Partners and Friends
As we already know, a global financial risk hit global economy , this bring global economy to economic downturn and weakening demand. The recent news from the handset maker has not been so good: Ericsson to shut down U.S. R&D facility; Nokia, the world's largest handset maker, recently cut its fourth quarter and preliminary 2009 outlook;Citing anonymous sources; WebGuild says Google may be preparing to lay off thousands of workers.; chip-maker Qualcomm cut its 2009 forecast; and Motorola just cut 3,000 jobs and is refocusing its handset division, Maybe they are headed toward a large shakeup.
Someone said to us "For now, there is a lot of understandable anger--and politics--at work, and there must be some bad guys responsible for all this." Unfortunately, someone will argue that the move is a bit late, but i think people have learned from this.
Even though finanicial crisis has tarnished the reputations of many compnies and IT-related spendingt would be drastic cutted, the others find a good business chance at this time.
Out at VoiceCon San Francisco 2008, executives of IBM and Microsoft said that a bad economy is good for the adoption of unified communications(UC).
Microsoft said businesses can cut costs by using UC conferencing and collaboration features to cut expensive business trips, while integrating communications into business applications can cut the time for tasks such as placing orders, bringing together health care teams, and enabling virtual offices.
Collaboration tools-UC, when done right, can make it easier to find the right people to collaborate with in order to make smarter business decisions more efficiently. IT Social networking might help the right people within a corporate network.
In the mean time, Cisco Systems announced it would make a $100 million global investment in serving companies with 100 or fewer employees. Cisco thinks the market for small business networking and communication was around $10 billion. The company will launch its first products developed exclusively for the small business in December.
Well, some day, we will be provided by the ability to provide a "right"solution that fits all possible scenarios. And then, even though company would be too small, they will find a small business collaboration tool to cooperate with their global partner and support all the customer around the world. Wow! what a wonderful day it is!.
Oh, come close to omit other news, Motorola’s comeback strategy will not start until the second half of next year, that is a enough good news for market and I wish they a good new year&Christmas.
Time is quite a long way ahead given how fast the landscape is changing, Anyway, I only wish you the best of business!
With Compliments
Your True Friend SELNIX
Kim Kyeong-Hwan
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Dear Valued Customers, Partners and Friends
As we already know, U.S Economy is walking in the dark way. Ever since the collapse of Bear Stearns in March, Lehman Brothers plunge into the same way ,Monday, September 15. On the surface, this hardest hit seems logical. The top investment banks have been Bear Stearns and Lehman Brothers, they ranked as the top two firms in mortgage-backed securities underwriting. So, financial world has been waiting with baited breath to see who would fall next.
Maybe, a number of employees will lose their jobs and live in hardship as a relsult of these. I don’t think i could possibly know what they-who have built their firm and lost a lot, their fortunes- all are feeling, but it's probably better to accept reality at this point.
In this globalized era, it is imperative that nations retain international cooperatin in order to forge strong and lasting economic relationships that are essential to national security and economic progress. Unfortunately, we confirm this from U.S as did we in 1998.
On the other hand, we have a the another news.
On Tuesday, May 20th, One Laptop per Child OLPC-Nicholas Negroponte,Chairman OLPC - was held a meeting at the MIT Media Lab. Many countries were represented, including those that have rolled out very significant numbers of XO laptops. For this reason, the occasion was both to look at current practices as well as a roadmap for the future. At the same meeting, one laptop per child, olpc lowercase, was presented as a 9th Millenium Goal. To this end, Nirj Deva , DL, Member of European Parliament , described current activities to move this idea forward. In addition, specific announcements made of national rollouts and corporate partnerships.
Eventhough there are many critical a point of views for U.S, it has contributed to global growth by opening its markets to free trade, while developing an international monetary system that secures and supplies liquidity to the world.
Perhaps, we were indebted to him who support us, is it?
He was done a good job in the past, but he hit on hard times at this time and the future will look more gray. Well, i think we should cheer him to picking spirit.
Anyway, we never can tell what life is going to bring us, I only wish you the best of business!
With Compliments SELNIX
Kim Kyeong-Hwan
Where is Mobile Handset Market going?-Beyond spinning off Motorola's handset busine
Dear Valued Customers, Partners and Friends
I had heard a News, which was take effect (1/July/2008), are part of the firm's cost-cutting measures. Motorola plans to save $500 million in 2008. The company announced earlier in the year that it was going to cut 2,600 jobs. Most of those jobs were overseas and occurred when Motorola shut down its cell-phone manufacturing plant in Singapore.
The Motorola handset division has some very attractive assets, Meanwhile, it doesn't appear that any existing handset vendor is interested in buying the division--even private equity firms who like to take on the challenge of dramatically turning companies around and then selling them off once they are outperforming the market. LG-Global Top4, also show interest in GE's White Electronics, he would not afford to buy them. Market analyst says LG also have a narrow escape from Motorola's shock.
Handset business have a another not so good nwes.
Mobile-phone maker Sony Ericsson said Friday(EDT June 27, 2008) it might not see any profit in the second quarter, due to slowing demand for some of its higher-priced phones and a delay in shipping new models to the market.
While we continue to hear about a various news for the Mobile community, Nokia,Samsung, they are expanding their market coverage. You never can tell what life is going to bring you, and all business is a series of struggles.
I decided perhaps it was a good time to reflect on the last five years of this ten years and, more specifically, on how I is faring with its future's five predictions. Perhaps we need to rethink this whole idea about Market.
With Compliments SELNIX
Kim Kyeong-Hwan
Dear Valued Customers, Partners and Friends
As we already know, Motorola had decided to spin-off its struggling handset business at the behest of investors. The plan calls for the creation of two independent and publicly traded companies: Mobile Devices and Broadband & Mobility Solutions, the latter of which will house the enterprise and the home networking businesses.
Motorola plans to make the move some time in 2009, and the spin-out will take the form of a tax-free distribution to shareholders.
In spite of their plan, Will both companies recover international competitive power?
We had even all heard the rumors, Motorola will not retain his Brand.
While it's difficult to imagine the handset business losing the Motorola brand, Motorola Newer CEO Greg Brown noted that the brand is also trusted on the networking and enterprise side, and They have a lot of intellectual property rights as well as shared services and systems too.
But what does Motorola's change of heart mean for corporate customers and individual users? Will we really be able to use Motorola phones like lasier once again? Will both companies recover international competitive power? What Motorola phones will Market really allow to run on its network?
To find out the answers to these tough questions, We have to waiting for their another action and has put together a guide detailing what Motorola's strategic Choice initiative means for Market and Customer.
Anyway, I only wish you the best of business!
With Compliments SELNIX
Kim Kyeong-Hwan